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AEDM Day 3: Art Cards

November 3, 2011


My first day back at work was terrible! We had the busiest day in the history of our store–29 contracts! Very stressful. I ended up staying an hour late to try to get all the paperwork done, but there was just too much! On the ride home I started thinking about how much time I actually spend working and doing things related to work. I work 8 hours a day, but I’m there for 9 because I get an hour lunch break, but I just stay in the building so I don’t waste gas. Then there’s the drive, 15 minutes there and 15 back. Plus, my morning routine takes an hour and a half (breakfast, shower, etc). All together that’s 11 hours a day! That doesn’t leave much time for art. So, today I just got up an hour early and did some prep work for the art cards I’ve been making. I cut down some of the card stock backs and organized my collage clippings. Tomorrow morning I’m going to try and make a few cards before work.

One Comment leave one →
  1. November 4, 2011 11:45 am

    I love that you are not letting work derail your art!!

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